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September 6

* Progress Reports are coming home today for you to fill out and sign. You have access to your child's grades online at ParentVue, so use your login to find those and fill out the progress report. We just want to make sure that everyone is able to get in the site (it has been giving grief to some people. Thanks!

* Bus-A-Move Week is next week. A flyer came home in the Tuesday folder yesterday, so this is just a reminder. All students who can ride a bus, should certainly be on them next week. :)

* Gifted Eligibility Process (Process for Target Eligibility) Information Meeting For All Rocky Mount Parents: Are you interested in knowing more about the gifted eligibility process in Cobb County? If so, please attend the informational meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 7:15 AM in Room 111 (Target Room). Hope to see you there!

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