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Week of September 10-14

I can't believe how fast this school year has been going so far! It's been really great to get to know all the students. We are going to have an awesome school year!

So, a little problem with our class Instagram account ... it's been deleted by Instagram because I wasn't following anyone. :( Ugh! Sorry! I tried! Maybe we will use Twitter instead. I'll do some research and see if that would be better.

All 4th graders will be screened for vision and hearing within the next two weeks.

Two weeks until Fall Break!

Sneak Peek at our week:

Writing - Heroes Writing, put SAID to bed (synonyms for said), and Famous Dinner Table

Spelling - there, their they're

Reading - start Book Clubs

Social Studies - map scales, grids on a map, compass rose directions, build a mega city map

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