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Monday 3-30-20

It's already the end of March! Let's get through one more week of virtual learning and then take a week off for Spring Break. I had to cancel my beach trip to Florida, but will be relaxing at home instead ... just like everyone else.

Don't forget to click on your email link at 12:00 noon today for our class video meeting. We may have some mystery guests joining us. :)

Today's assignments:

Reading -

1. log into Freckle using Clever and code from front of agenda and read the assigned ELA article about Trouble in the Marsh – you might have to click on your assignments backpack on the bottom of the page to find this - then take quiz

2. Use your Office 365 Social Studies folder to read about the Middle Colonies and answer ?’s

Writing - Write in Office 365 Writing folder about our Monday Zoom at Noon chats - Do you like them or do they make you sad? What would you change about them? Any suggestions?


1. Use Clever to login to Brainpop Jr., then search for Quadrilaterals and watch the video

2. Log into Seesaw and do the quadrilateral practice sheet after watching Brainpop JR

Specials - STEM Lab with Mrs. Sigsbee today -

Just for Fun from Andrew - Pepper plate – fill up a plate with water and then shake pepper onto it until the pepper covers the whole top layer of water – stick in your finger and see what happens – then put some dish soap on your finger and try it again – pretty cool … see what happens when you wash your hands? Germs stay away for a little while.

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