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Wednesday 4-22-20

Happy Earth Day! What are you going to do today that will help the Earth? You can take a trash bag with you on a walk and clean up the neighborhood (with gloves of course). You can paint some rocks with kind words on them and leave them on the sidewalk. You can try to reuse things today, or recycle. There's so much you can do to help make a difference!

Today's Earth Day assignments:

Reading -

1. Log into Readworks and read the article on Ecology.

2. Watch this video about recycling plastic bottles and the caps

3. Log into EPIC and read some of the assigned books I sent you about Earth Day. Spend about 30 minutes looking through Earth Day books.

Writing - Open up your Office 365 Writing folder and choose one thing on the choice board to write about today.

Math - none

Just for Fun - Make a chlorophyll painting. Chlorophyll is the green pigment (juice) that is found inside the plant leaves. It is a key ingredient in the process of photosynthesis. It also makes great paint! Go outside and grab some green leaves or grass, ball it up, and rub it on a white piece of paper. Happy Earth Day!

Specials - Art with Mrs. Bley -

ESOL with Dr. Goff - remember that she has a Zoom meeting today for some of you at 9:15am -

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