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Tuesday 4/28/20

Thanks! You guys were so cute to play my Boggle game on our Zoom meeting yesterday. :)

Remember our challenge for the week ... complete ALL assignments for a bonus game Zoom on Friday at noon. Some of you are already well on your way.

Today's assignments:

Reading/Science -

1. Use Clever to login to Brainpop JR and type in Energy Sources to watch the video today. You can also click here, but will need to check our classroom chat for the username and password:

2. Log into EPIC and read one of the assigned books on Energy Sources.

Writing - Write in Office 365 Writing folder about which source of energy you would use if you were stranded on an island. The prompt is in there to see.

Math - Do the practice sheet that is in your Office 365 Math Folder on grams and kilograms.

Just for Fun - Create a timeline of your life. Start with the day you were born. Glue on pictures and include dates of special events. Take a picture and email it to me.

Specials - PE with Coach B -

Counseling - Mrs. Dockery’s lesson for the week -

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