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Thursday 4/30/20

Happy Thursday everyone! This is the last school day of the week. You made it! Remember to keep up the good work with completing every assignment for an invitation to our special class Zoom tomorrow. Have your parents check their emails tomorrow morning to see if you received an invitation. :)

Today's assignments are also posted in our Class Notebook on One Note:

Reading/Science - Watch the Magic School Bus video on HEAT here:

Health - Log into EPIC and read the book on Water Safety that is assigned to you.

Writing - Use your Office 365 Writing folder to write about water safety that you learned from reading the EPIC book.

Specials - Art with Mrs. Bley -

Just for Fun - Put some things in a muffin tin and set them out in the sun for an hour to observe what happens (chocolate bar, piece of ice, crayon, a Lego, butter, sugar, cheese, and anything else you want). Does the heat from the sun change any of these things after an hour of being outside? How about 3 hours?

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